Python Packaging Tools

A note on Python Packaging Tools

You can start from here

Bootstrap process of creating new Python Package

poetry nice and modern. pip-tools I had cooked it before, good but require a lot of actions. hatch and pdm did not suit me, I tried but no results.

Lets discovery pyscaffold

 1python3 -m venv .env
 2source .env/bin/activate
 4pip install --upgrade pyscaffold[all]
 5putup -i new_project
 7git tag v0.1.0
 8tox -e docs
 9tox -e build
10tox -e publish -- --repository pypi

Awesome! Python package is published =)

Very nice but a little bit outdated. If add modern stack, it will be the best bootstrapping tool for Python ecosystem!

Hint: give you an idea for tooling development.